Since our return from Korea, I have been feeling more tired and sore. We are into the last stage of pregnancy. I feel like a ticking bomb just waiting to go off. I feel lucky that I only wake up once or twice to pee in the night. Though I wake feeling sore, because a small person inside of me has been battering on my insides all night.
So I have turned into a hermit of sorts. I have had no desire to go anywhere.
The kids and I stay at home and hangout. I do laundry, watch movies on Youtube, and feed the children (they are always hungry). There is a creators fair this weekend that I hope to go to with Paul and the children, if I am not in labor or at the hospital. I also still try to make it to the supermarket to buy food for the ravenous children. Did I mention everyone asks for food constantly?
I saw my doctor last Wednesday and forgot to ask any questions. I don't know where I am supposed to go when I am in labor. I don't know who is going to deliver my baby. I forgot to ask if I can stay for just a night or two and not a week. I got a list of things to bring to the hospital and that is packed and ready to go. Paul should be able to take some time off when the baby is born. I haven't had any real contractions other than the Braxton Hicks early/preparation contractions.
I don't like the last month of pregnancy. Its a hard thing to get through and is only ended by hours of labor pain, and then the recovery after. It is nice to be in Japan, I don't have people making those horrid comments like "still here", "you look ready to burst", "sorry your still pregnant", don't comment to a pregnant lady about her last stages of pregnancy, you just hurt her feelings and make her feel like something must be wrong if she hasn't given birth yet. I don't know if they have those kinda comments in Japanese, but I wouldn't understand anyone who told it to me. Its also the month that I feel most self-conscious, like a huge beached whale. I am always thinking of a "if I was to go into labor" plan for every outing, and hoping that my water doesn't break in public (not that I have had it break on its own with any of my other pregnancies).
One major reason I don't want to go or do anything is the heat and humidity. Its been very warm and sticky here. I praise God for our AC here in the apartment. I might be dead if we didn't have it. Everything feels warmer in the sea of pavement here in the city. You walk around and the heat is falling on you from the sun and raising to you from the ground. Not fun for anyone, least of all an 8 month pregnant woman. I am thankful that the baby is due soon and that I don't have to make it through August pregnant. Heat and humidity are a catalyst for sore, swollen feet and feeling fatter then you are. Oh and since I am pregnant my breast are bigger (and more so in the last month, in prep for milk supply) so that means sweat that drips down between them and rests on my belly, yuck!
Hopefully baby will be born soon and everything with the labor and delivery will go well. Than we get to workout all the paperwork for the baby... YAY! :(
Love you Anna!